Works 2020-2018
Mountains and wetland at Baikal, Yellow breasted bunting, red-list conservation status, 2019
pigment ink-print, maple frame 85 x 62 cm
Hollow oak, Insect trap, research article, 2019
pigment ink-print, maple frame 85 x 62 cm
Duckling on eutrophicated lake, 2019
pigment ink-print, maple frame 85 x 62 cm
Forest hide-out, negative, spotted nutcracker being ringed, 2019
pigment ink-print, maple frame 85 x 62 cm
Tracking Bees, 2020
pigment ink-print, maple frame 85 x 62 cm
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, 2019
pigment ink-print, maple frame 160 x 87 cm | 92 x 52 cm
Upupa epops, 2019
pigment ink-print, maple frame 120 x 160 cm | 61 x 81 cm
Luscinia svecica, 2018
pigment-ink print 130 x 180 cm | 67 x 92 cm
Approach of winter, 2018
pigment-ink print 130 x 195 cm | 67 x 100,5 cm
Sylvia curruca, 2019
pigment-ink print 61 × 81 cm | 45 × 60 cm
Oenanthe oenanthe, 2019
pigment-ink print 120 × 160 cm | 61 × 81 cm
Sylvia melanocephala, 2017
pigment ink-print 61 × 98 cm | 40 x 65 cm
Sylvia communis, 2019
pigment ink-print, maple frame 210 x 140 cm | 105 x 70 cm
Phoenicurus phoenicurus, 2019
pigment-ink print 40 × 32 cm
Serinus serinus, 2019
pigment-ink print 81 × 61 cm | 60 × 45 cm
Ramphocelus costaricensis, 2019
pigment-ink print 160 × 120 cm | 81 × 61 cm
Chloroceryle americana, 2019
pigment-ink print 32 × 26 cm
Cyanocompsa cyanoides, 2019
pigment-ink print 160 × 120 cm | 81 × 61 cm
Platyrinchus coronatus, 2019
pigment-ink print 120 × 160 cm | 61 × 81 cm
Emberiza leucocephalos, 2019
pigment-ink print 65 × 92 cm | 46 × 65 cm
Anthus trivialis, 2019
pigment-ink print 65 × 92 cm | 46 × 65 cm
Chloris chloris, 2019
pigment-ink print 120 × 180 cm | 61 × 92 cm
Pyrrhula pyrrhula, 2019
pigment-ink print 120 × 160 cm | 61 × 81 cm
Locustella certhiola, 2019
pigment-ink print 61 × 92 cm | 40 × 60 cm
Carpodacus erythrinus, 2019
pigment-ink print 180 × 126 cm | 60 × 42 cm
Erithacus rubecula in flight, 2019
pigment-ink print 40 × 32 cm
Hide and Seek, 2019
pigment-ink print 81 × 61 cm | 60 × 45 cm
Winds Blow South, 2019
pigment-ink print 180 × 130 cm | 92 × 67 cm
Carduelis carduelis, 2019
pigment-ink print 40 × 32 cm | 92 × 72 cm
Parus major, 2019
pigment-ink print 120 × 180 cm | 61 × 92 cm
Warm front, 2019
pigment ink-print, maple frame 92 x 67 cm | 60 x 44 cm
Myrmeciza exsul, 2019
pigment ink-print, maple frame 81 x 61 cm | 60 x 45 cm
Euphonia imitans, 2019
pigment ink-print, maple frame 81 x 61 cm | 60 x 45 cm
Saxicola rubetra, 2019
pigment ink-print, maple frame 40 x 32 cm
Silent spring, 2019
pigment ink-print, maple frame 180 x 130 cm | 92 x 67 cm
Iduna aedon, 2019
pigment ink-print, maple frame 92 x 64cm | 60 x 42cm
Spring plumage, 2019
pigment ink-print, maple frame 112 x 180 cm | 61 x 97 cm
Periparus ater, 2019
pigment ink-print, maple frame 61 x 92 cm | 40 x 60 cm
Muscicapa striata, 2019
pigment ink-print, maple frame 61 x 81 cm | 45 x 60 cm
Hippolais icterina, 2019
pigment ink-print, maple frame 61 x 92 cm